Add Webpack Configuration to a project.
Please do not extend this schema as it is part of Nx internal usage.
Add Webpack Configuration to a project.
nx generate webpack-project ...
By default, Nx will search for webpack-project
in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json.
You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:
nx g @nx/webpack:webpack-project ...
Show what will be generated without writing to disk:
nx g webpack-project ... --dry-run
Path relative to the workspace root for the main entry file. Defaults to '<projectRoot>/src/main.ts'.
The name of the project.
Path relative to the workspace root for the tsconfig file to build with. Defaults to '<projectRoot>/tsconfig.app.json'.
Optionally specify a path relative to workspace root to the babel configuration file of your project.
, swc
, tsc
The compiler to use to build source.
Add a serve target to run a local webpack dev-server
, web
, webworker
Target platform for the build, same as the Webpack config option.
Skip formatting files.
Do not add dependencies to package.json
Do not perform any validation on existing project.
Path relative to workspace root to a custom webpack file that takes a config object and returns an updated config.